Denver Family Receives Furnace Replacement in 2017 Giveaway from Done

A Done technician accessing his box truck

Done Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric is pleased to announce that a Denver area family of six has won our 2016 “Warm Home, Warm Hearts” furnace giveaway. With our roots in Denver spanning over 17 years, we take our commitment to the Denver community very seriously. Our Warm Home, Warm Hearts furnace giveaway is just one small way in which Done hopes to give back to the Denver community that has supported us over the years.

For the Warm Home, Warm Hearts furnace giveaway, people were invited to nominate local families who needed a new furnace for the winter, but were unable to pay for the cost and installation due to a lack of resources. Families were eligible for nomination from November 21st to December 24th in 2017 using a form that was available on Done Plumbing & Heating website. The winning family was informed on December 27, 2017. To be eligible, the family’s furnace needed to be a replacement and they had to live in Denver area in a family property that they owned.

There were 15 nominations for deserving families received, our winner was a Denver area family with four small children, the youngest being just 13 months old. The family previously had their furnace checked by other companies, but the reason it was not working was not identified. In order to stay warm, the family had been using their stove and space heaters. Now, they’re able to remain comfortable and warm thanks to the new furnace, which was installed on Friday, December 30th. The furnace the family received was a Comfort Series Carrier, single-stage model with an 80 percent efficiency rating.

We’re pleased to be able to help our winning family, and we thank everyone who participated!

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