Over time, it’s inevitable that drain pipes and traps under our sinks and showers will begin to take on some build up that can restrict and possibly stop water from draining. Depending on the location the problem, it can be the result of hair, residue from soap or products like shampoos, conditioners & lotions, or food particles and grease. There could also be a more serious problem in your home sewer system.
Typical products off the shelf can be caustic, hard on your pipes, and harmful to the environment.
It’s for these reasons that we recommend you have Done take a look at the problem first. This will ensure that the problem is diagnosed properly, and fixed right the first time. We can also show you how some simple preventive steps with natural products like by BioClean can help prevent the same problems from occurring in the future.
Watch our video with tips from plumbers about what to do with slowly draining sinks and showers:
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