Done and Naturally Boulder

A Done HVAC technician next to his truck

Naturally Boulder is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization, whose mission is to nurture and enhance the natural products industry of Boulder, CO. They help businesses throughout Boulder, small and large. From ingredients to manufacturing to marketing, Naturally Boulder stands behind authentic companies that are willing to take the extra mile to practice social and environmental responsibility. They make meaningful connections, educate members, create visibility for industry cause, and coordinate economic development activities to support the community. Their ultimate goal is to educate others on every aspect of an organizations environmental impact.

Naturally Boulder uses donations and sponsors to help them through events that help them achieve their mission. There events range from educational classes all the way to networking opportunities for the natural products industry. These events are made to spread the word about the need to protect these industries, as well as allow others to get involved whether it is through donation, sponsorship, or volunteering.

In November of 2013, Done Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric became a sponsor for Naturally Boulder. We wanted to show our support for companies that use environmentally friendly practices. We understand the importance of encouraging healthier business practices, and hope that many other companies will follow their guidance while becoming more environmentally friendly. We fully support Naturally Boulder and all that they do for our community.

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