The Washington Post reports that the frequency and cost of weather-related power outages is on the rise. The outages are contributed to the number of severe storms in conjunction with an aging U.S. power grid, costing the U.S. economy as much as $33 billion per year. That total could rise as high as $75 billion if the number and severity of storms continues to escalate. The increase in weather-related power outages has caused many to consider installing an emergency backup generator in their home.
Once considered a luxury feature of wealthier homeowners, emergency backup generators are increasingly being installed in middle class homes. Although emergency backup generators can vary greatly depending on the size of home, electrical demand and the type of generator used the basic principles behind them is essentially the same.
Backup Generator System
The standard backup generator system consists of a generator approximately the size of the air conditioning unit on the exterior of homes with central air condition. Often located near the home’s main electrical panel, the generator is connected to the main electrical panel through a transfer switch.
How Does the Transfer Switch Work?
Under normal circumstances, the transfer switch routes power from your utility into the home’s main electrical panel. When there is a power outage, the transfer switch automatically starts the power generator and routes the emergency power to supply the main electric panel.
What Powers a Backup Generator?
Emergency backup generators require a source of energy in order to produce electricity for your home. Although these energy sources can vary from system to system, gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, and liquid propane gas are the most common.
Choosing the Right Backup Generator
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right backup generator system for your home. It is strongly recommended that homeowners consult a licensed electrician with backup generator system to guide them through all the options. They can help determine the perfect backup generator for your needs and integrate it into your electrical panel correctly.
The licensed, insured and experienced electricians at Done are your local emergency backup generator authority. Available to answer any of your questions regarding backup generator systems our knowledgeable and experienced team will make sure you get the ideal backup generator systems for your home. In addition, our expert electricians can integrate your backup generator system into your home’s electrical panel properly and safely. With Done, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing your emergency backup generator system will be there to provide your home safe emergency power when you need it most.