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Assess the Age & Health of Your Home Pipes with Expert Inspections

Trusted since 1999, we offer comprehensive plumbing home inspection services to gauge pipe conditions for Denver residents.

A Done plumber preparing to work under a kitchen sink


Home Plumbing Health Checks

Homeownership brings the responsibility of maintenance for longevity, and it starts with understanding the state of your plumbing.

Done® Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, & Electric specializes in thorough home plumbing inspections for Denver residents, designed to determine the precise age and condition of your pipes.

Our skilled technicians use the latest methods to reveal any potential issues, allowing for proactive repairs and replacements that avoid emergency situations.

With an inspection from us, you’ll have the clarity and peace of mind needed to maintain a safe and functional home environment.

Let us help you extend the life of your plumbing system with an expert assessment!

The Done Difference

Discover the Done Difference

Experience unparalleled expertise, reliability, and skill in every home service we provide.

Decades of Excellence in Home Services

For over 25+ years, Done has set the standard for professional home services. Our team of licensed and insured technicians brings unmatched expertise to every job, ensuring reliable repairs and maintenance. We're committed to excellence, and it shows in every task we undertake.

Dependable Service, Every Time

Trust is the cornerstone of our services at Done. We guarantee the reliability of our installations and repairs, conducted only by our fully licensed and insured professionals. With us, you can be confident that your home systems are in skilled hands.

Your All-in-One Home System Experts

Whether it’s plumbing woes or air conditioning tune-ups, Done covers it all. Our comprehensive equipment expertise means we’re equipped to fix all types of home systems. From routine maintenance to complex repairs, we handle every challenge with skill and efficiency.

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A Done plumber installing a new bathtub faucet


Total Home Coverage

Our comprehensive plumbing services ensure your entire home plumbing system functions flawlessly. Explore how we can enhance your home’s plumbing infrastructure with a range of expert services designed for efficiency and reliability.

Call or Schedule Your Service Online!


Frequently Asked Questions

Regular plumbing inspections offer long-term benefits by extending the lifespan of your plumbing system, preventing unexpected breakdowns, and saving money on potential emergency repairs. Inspections can also improve your home’s water efficiency, potentially lowering utility bills. By ensuring your plumbing system is functioning optimally, you also protect your home from water damage and related issues. Done Plumbing is committed to providing thorough inspections that contribute to the health of your home, offering you a reliable partnership in maintaining your plumbing system.

We recommend scheduling a plumbing inspection every one to two years, depending on the age of your home and the condition of your plumbing system. Older homes or those with a history of plumbing issues may benefit from more frequent inspections. Regular inspections by Done Plumbing as a part of our 1st Service Club maintenance plan, can help catch potential problems early, allowing for more manageable and less costly solutions, ensuring your plumbing system remains in top condition and providing peace of mind.

During a plumbing inspection, Done Plumbing’s experienced technicians will systematically review your home’s plumbing system. This includes checking pipes for signs of wear or corrosion, inspecting faucets, toilets, and other fixtures for leaks or malfunctions, assessing water pressure and drainage efficiency, and evaluating the condition of your water heater and other appliances connected to your plumbing. We use the latest technology, like camera inspection, to accurately assess the health of your system. You’ll receive a detailed report outlining any findings, along with straightforward advice on any recommended actions.

A plumbing inspection is a proactive measure to ensure the health and longevity of your home’s plumbing system. Even if you’re not in the process of buying or selling, an inspection can identify potential issues like small leaks, corrosion, or wear and tear before they become major problems. Done Plumbing conducts thorough inspections with the aim of preserving your home’s plumbing integrity, preventing costly future repairs, and ensuring your system is efficient and reliable. We believe in helping homeowners maintain their investment and avoid unexpected plumbing emergencies.